The Passover that Ahnsahnghong said to keep is the old covenant!

The Passover is an old covenant that had to be kept during the times of the Old Testament

When the members of the World Mission Society Church of God preaches about the Passover, some people keep on insisting that the Passover doesn’t need to be kept since that is just an old covenant kept by the Israelites in the times of the Old Testament.

Is it true?

If their insistence is true, then, Jesus must have kept the Passover (bread and wine) of the covenant, and all those who keep eat bread and wine must be keeping the feast of the old covenant.

If we examine Matthew 26:17-28, we can clearly see that Jesus kept the Passover anew as a new covenant. He didn’t get a lamb nor did He prepare one.

Since Jesus is the Passover Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7), He kept the Passover with the bread and wine that symbolizes His flesh and blood. He clearly told His disciples that this Passover is the new covenant in Luke 22:20.

So, whoever is insisting that the Passover is just an old covenant that we do not need to keep in the times of the New Testament is just giving an excuse to cover up their actions – not following God’s feasts.

It is Christ Ahnsahnghong who restored this precious feast according to the prophecy and it is Ahnsahnghong who is God Almighty who came 2,000 years ago.

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